It's YOU! Hello! Nice to see you! Here you will find stuff about living a creative life in country Australia. I create with watercolour, pen, collage, mixed media and photos. I teach, hosts workshops, collect, dream. I love cheese, travel, my garden, faffing, colour and whimsy. I am crap at time management, and do way too many things, but it is all good. Oh yes, all pictures and photos on here by me too, just saying.

Friday, 26 September 2014



The following is a straight cut and paste. I apologise. 

It is from my post today in a photo challenge which I dip in and out of as time and energy and creativity permit. You may know it...the Fat Mumslim Photo a Day challenge.(For info on how to play, go to

Today's word prompt was BEST. I usually just post a photo, and that's it.Maybe a few words. On a few occasions I have given a little back story, but yep, as a general rule I am a drop and post chick.

My guts,my head,my heart were probably pretty close to feeling like this...

But today...I was overcome with emotions, and I sat down at the computer with more on my mind than just posting a nice picture. My heart and my head were full of conflicting thoughts and emotions, swirling around.
I typed it, pressed enter, and there it was, for all to see.Afterwards,  felt easier, felt more centred. Then I started getting beautiful , supportive, wonderful responses.And was touched by the words I saw.And there may have been a few tears. 

Lordy, I know it is not cool to admit any of this. Lordy I know that it probably is an overshare, and does not promote me as an all-round hasn't-she'got-it-altogether-and is just a-super-amazingly-fabulous-person-who really has it all-going-on babe.But..truth is, just is the truth.   

I had no idea what I was about to write, no idea at all. It just slid out of me.It needed to come out. it is, typos and all.

Putting my best foot forward

best foot forward, best friend, best dress, best man... do the best you can. I know there was discussion this week about stories Vs. Photos. Sorry..scroll away, down, skip past it. Feel free, go ahead if stories give you the heeby jeebies. cos' is a go with the picture. 

This is a photo of me, from a little while ago, so from the files. But the best I can do today. 

I put this up because...even though it is not picture lovely, aesthetically magnificent, resolved, clever, technically brilliant...any of that... ..I wanted to tell the story that is in my heart today. Of being the best person you can be. Of trying to juggle all the needs and expectations of yourself and others..those who love you, those who employ you, those that rely on you.Today i am jumping of a cliff...taking a leap of faith..(not literally! I am too bloody scared of heights..there are limits to my braveness!) I am feeling the fear but doing it anyway, as it says on the posters.I said goodbye to my family as they went on a family holiday..we have NEVER taken a divided holiday before.... i will not see my kids for 10 days. My miss 7 has been crying for days.... & is so sad and she has told me over and over how sad she is that her heart hurts, and she will have no fun without me. I have given her my pillow, my t-shirt to sleep in, my scarf with my perfume. 

So why am I doing this? 

Because I am trying to follow a dream, the dream of living a creative life, that fills my soul as well as pays for groceries. I have accepted a large commission, doing something completely outside my normal artistic scene. I can do it. But i am pooscared. But it is A BIG DEAL. (shi* got real, as you say). And it is due in the time we would have been on holiday. I had to make a decision. So..thinking of the end game, of what i am trying to achieve, of role modelling working hard to my kids, of being true to myself and with the blessing of an amazing husband...I am staying home, to wrangle with this job. And get paid. And push myself out of that comfort zone. And freak out, and cry a bit, and procrastinate a bit ( what am i doing on Facebook???!). But do it. To be the best person I can be.

Me...the photo I posted for today

 From awhile ago..but one of my favourite seems to sum up how I feel...a lot.Heart full...It also has my favourite colours of blue and red,symbols I often use - spirals and hearts.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

I love you SPRING x


Oh yeah baby! Sunshine, warmth, and blossoms on the trees. Buds erupting on bare branches, grass and weeds shooting and emerging. Buzzy sounds in the garden, birds tweeting. Bring it on, I just love Spring out here in the country. 

Of all seasons, Autumn and Spring are my favourite...and right now with the wisteria about to explode, and its scent waft through the house, the malus blossoms all over the path, the weeping cherries at the front of the house about to take centre stage...well, it is enough to make me forgive the pollen and hay fever that our ornamental grapevine is about to facilitate.

There are bunches of flowers and blossoms all over the house, stuck in vases, usually thrifted.Yep...

 I love,love,love you Spring!

Sunday, 14 September 2014



Why pears? 

It's a funny thing. I actually chose a pear for my business, before it was really a business...because I wanted a shape,a logo,a symbol,that would be easily recognisable, yet would still be be open to lots of interpretations. Something fresh,something not too trendy and of the moment.Something easy to reproduce. 

I love hearts,but they have been done to death.I love apples...but Apple kinda has that one in the bag,and Woolies too. Pineapples are cool,but are so of the minute...and will date.Mangoes I hate, bananas I am allergic to,and are way too phallic.Cherries are cute...could have been a goer.But I live near Young...and cherries remind me of all the cherry festival stuff from there.And I hear all those 'lose your cherry' jokes in my head.Mushrooms would have been a contender,if I had thought of it.And it amuses me that I am highly allergic to them too.But...that one slipped by.

So...pears popped into my head. And I thought...pear rhymes with lots...(the teacher in me loves rhymes and alliterations) and is good for groovy adjectives too.

Initially I thought...big pear, juicy pear, nice pear, two pears, sweet pears, yummy pear, nice pear...until my hubby and I exhausted all the stupid and geeky,teenage-like,feeble minded,silly,ridiculous,mildly sexual,double meaning,sexual innuendo PAIR jokes we could think of.To add to the snigger factor,I do actually posses a not very small bust.Yep,indeedy do,I am actually quite a busty lass.Snigger, snigger...and also...I realised that in SEO we might get some unwanted hits, and a lot of very unsatisfied and disappointed people. 

So, back to rhyming. And rare pear it was.No brainer. 

Fast forward...a few months..and I realise. My mother, she absolutely hates pears. With a passion. 

Freud would have a field day! Oh dear.

Oh well, never mind. And since then...people have bought me pears, I have picked up several,(plastic, wood, metal, glass, rubber) and they pop up in my work as regular little things. Like these...

So take a bite,enjoy the view...of some rare (or NOT so rare) pears.x

Saturday, 6 September 2014

HOME collage HOME

HOME collage HOME

Well, shame shame shame on me.So late.So very,very late.But I promise you,I have not been idle, or just skiving off laying on a HOME.

Oh no, I wish. I really do!

truth is, 
No,just like everyone,my life has been super,super busy.In fact, quite a little bit of triaging life's problems,commitments, issues.You know,facing down the tsunami of people who need you to do something, commitments needed to be committed to and done,tasks completed,appointments met,things tended to. 

Which led me to put doing this collage further and further down my list of things to do.Sigh. 

But then,quite appropriately,all this busy busy busy stuff has left me ever mindful of just how much HOME means to me. How central and essential it is to my mental and physical health. How just walking in the door at times, into the safety and craziness of just the best feeling ever. 

Then again...sometimes it feels like walking into yet another battle zone too. A 14 year old hairy teenage boy, a tweenie 11 year old, and a very dramatic 7 year old who share my home with me,well,seem to be taking up a lot of my time and energy. And though these little people are smart, funny, gorgeous and quite lovely really...they do seem unable to clean up after themselves or do anything without a good old nag, or two or three...  

Then there is the hubby,the 2 cats, 2 dogs (puppies) green tree frog and tabby....who also reside here. It is a very full house, a very noisy home.

Home. I love it. I love it. I love is a nice word to can close your mouth around it,a nice soft kinda word.

Home.We fill it with  things,we fill it with music and art and noise and life.We fill it with mess,and chaos,and animals and bits and pieces that we collect along our daily travels.We fill it with love.


So..sorry it is late...but my house is also now filled with little bits of paper, remnants of making this collage. So, I had best go, and clean it up. Before I tend to the next thing on my list...

HOME... collage, August 2014